The New USA Working Visa Rules For Overseas Workers

The USA is a land professional opportunities which attract smart and intelligent people across the globe and India itself is a major contributor of the workforce that is lured in with the prospects of a better future and dollar earnings. For many foreigners who come into the states, it is all about getting the H1B visa which would open up new avenues for a better career. Even the students are in constant pursuit of upgrading the F-1 visa to H1B visa which would further open up pathways to the green card.

The numbers story

The number of visa application registered with the USCIS this year has increased manifolds. Not to give away the fact that including this USCIS have been receiving an application at ginormous rate continuously 16th year. This year alone USCIS had opened up 85,000 visa slots of 65,000 were for the applicants with bachelor's degree and the rest 25,000 for masters degree candidate. Interestingly, in the first week, the limit was exhausted and the workload piled up as there were 2,00,000 applications were received.

Changes in the USA working visa rules

The trump's administration has been quick to initiate changes in the visa application rules and implement the new policy. Were they done on a good light or was those changes had self-centered backdrop is something that is debatable and is for some other day. Here, we will some of the changes in the rules that need to be adhered for getting a US visa application cleared.

"Buy America, Hire American"

Donald Trump brought into the scene a new policy the heart of which lies in the following phrase- "Buy America, Hire American". This new policy changes meant that the Department of Homeland Security could only issue the visa to highly skilled foreign workers or only those individuals who were the highest beneficiaries.

Expansion of suspension of premium processing for H-1B petitions

In the second policy change, Trump made it very clear that no application filed on the behalf of the employee concerned with changing employers or changing the location with the same employer can be processed for premium application

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